Last night I went and saw the latest romcom (get over it - I use terms like romcom) No Strings Attached. It has instantly gone onto my guilty pleasure list. The films on this list are movies I'm embarrassed to admit to loving; movies that can't really be classified as serious art. They are the films I can't resist when I see them on television even though I've seen them a million times. They are the films that pick me up after a rough day. These films are like old pals. A very good friend once told me, "don't be afraid of the things you like" - and this post is about that sentiment. I am no longer living in fear. I am ready to tell the world about the awful movies that I think are just plain awesome.
How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003)
For some reason, this movie cracks me up. After a slew of pathetic Kate Hudson movies (Fool's Gold, My Best Friend's Girl, Bride Wars, Raising Helen) - this movie reminds me of everything I loved about her in Almost Famous. She is charming, cute, bubbly, and lights up a scene. As for Matthew McConaughey - he is a little less obnoxious and sweaty than usual, and I'm okay with that. The two leads have believable chemistry, and by the end, I'm really just rooting for them to live happily ever after already.
Look Who's Talking (1989)
For me, this is the quintessential lazy Sunday movie. It is probably lingering in my mind because I just re-watched this a few weekends ago. It is one of those movies that I've watched a million times on TV since I was a little kid. When I was a kid, the novelty of a talking baby was hilarious to me. Since then, my comedic tastes have matured, but I still get a kick out of it. I love the camp, cheap gags, and 80s hair. And just for the record, Kirstie Alley was such a bombshell!
Beaches (1988)
Anyone who knows anything about me knows that I absolutely adore Bette Midler. And by adore, I mean I am obsessed with her. I've always loved her, but when I saw this movie at thirteen, it really kick started my love affair with the Divine Miss M. Let's be honest, it is the ultimate chick flick. I have seen this movie probably more times than any other movie. There are just days in life when I really need a Beaches fix. I make all of my friends watch it - of course none of them understand, but that is why this movie is on such a list! Also, Beaches has my favourite terrible movie line: "Hilary, what's yodeling got to do with it?!" If that isn't guilty pleasure gold, I'm not sure what is.
Adventures in Babysitting (1987)
This is one of those movies that I end up watching every time I catch it on TV. I love the crazy characters Elisabeth Shue and company encounter throughout their pilgrimage. As implausible and outrageous and silly as the entire premise is, I can't help but get sucked into the awkward teen years it personifies. I laugh every time Cris's friend loses her glasses and calls panicked from a pay phone - and ends up mistaking a rat for a kitten. Hilarious!
Uptown Girls (2003)
Who doesn't love a precocious little kid? There's been tons of them in movies, from Tatum O'Neal in Paper Moon to McCauley Culkin in everything. One of my favourites, though, is Dakota Fanning. She took everyone by storm in her debut in I Am Sam.. and since then, she's been winning over my heart as a quick witted, jaded tween. Of course, those days have past, but I like to fondly remember them once in awhile by watching this cutesy flick. By the way, I am totally down with any movie that has a cheesy diegetic music video about Sheets of Egyptian Cotton.
Serendipity (2001)
Plain and simple, John Cusack has been the perfect guy since Lloyd Dobbler in Say Anything. Why are there not more John Cusack characters in the world? Honourable mention goes to Molly Shannon for being hilarious, as always.
The Craft (1996)
During the mid 90s, teen witches were all the rage. This movie revels in its awfulness and I love every second of it. I have watched this movie on TBS many an evening and I still enjoy it to no end. How many of you legitimately tried "light as a feather, stiff as a board" after watching this? Everyone? Totally.
Teaching Mrs. Tingle (1999)
Who hasn't fantasized about getting revenge on that one mean, jerk of a teacher? Teaching Mrs. Tingle is about exactly that. It is great to see Helen Mirren letting loose and playing such a lousy role, but bringing tons of gusto into it. She plays cunning and manipulative so damn well! I can't help but watch this movie a few times a year. It is just an unadulterated, ridiculous good time.
Honourable mentions: White Oleander, Crossroads, Elizabethtown, Stir of Echoes, Hearts in Atlantis, Now and Then, Death Becomes Her, Meet the Fockers, Jawbreaker.
This category will probably call for another blog post in the near future, but for now, I am satisfied with my list. All of this being said, I hope I have inspired you guys to pull out those dusty DVDs, grab your nonjudgmental friends and watch a few of your own guilty pleasures.