Saturday, September 4, 2010

First Things First

This afternoon as I was trying to decide upon a title/topic/concept for my blog, a sign from the Heavens appeared. I logged onto Facebook, as we all do 84 times a day, and my mom's status update rang the little bell inside of my head.  The first one being, "going to count my brooches and elephants.. I think one or the other has to go."  This was followed an hour later with her comment, "147 elephants and 226 brooches. Yep, it's official. I'm nuts."  Now we all know the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. This being the case, my blog idea heaved itself into the webosphere. 

I collect. Everything from the tangible -- purses, jewelery, knick knacks, odds and ends, books -- to the intangible -- songs, ideas, overheard conversations, glances, smells, karma.-- The reasons I do it are probably umpteenth-fold, but I'm not about to psychoanalyze myself. It's just what I do. At this point, I can't even watch Hoarders because I understand where those people are coming from. I become anxious realizing I'm just a few cats and a few years away from a bad TLC special. Regardless, it has given me a starting place for something I've been meaning to do for a long time. This blog being that something. 

This blog isn't necessarily ABOUT accumulation, but it is about those things I accumulate. I realize writing about everything I see and hear and do is a gigantic undertaking, but it is undoubtedly worth a shot. This blog is about my passions in life - film, books, conversations, fashion, people, characters, music, celebrities, quirks, theater, anecdotes. 

With the blog world and inevitable first posts being as self-indulgent as they often appear to be (and I mean that in the nicest way possible), I don't think there is anything more apropos than ending here with a quote from one of my favourite gals, Bette Midler. "Enough about me. Let's talk about you. What do you think of me?"


  1. Great start! Can't wait to keep reading =D

  2. Behind every accumulation of "stuff", tell me the story behind it. I would love to read that!

  3. Nice start, Danita. I'll look forward to reading more.

  4. Good job Danita! It's so much fun to read!

  5. what do I think of you? when I think of you I think of LOVE LOVE and more LOVE! Keep writing baby, you're the best. xo xo xo

  6. now i get to check out your blog along with my facebook 84 times a likey
